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Fence along Canadian-American border bad idea

By Meagan Pecjak

The United States is currently on the fence when it comes to the debate about building a barrier along the Canadian and American border. They should instead be tearing down the idea even before they start.

It’s as though they do not realize that cutting down thousands of trees to build a fence across thousands of kilometres will have an immense impact on the environment.

Currently, 50 kilometres of the border are monitored, and secured by U.S. border officials. The fence is supposed to help secure the areas they cannot monitor, which consists of another roughly 6,400 kilometres.

An article from CBC News states the project has been put on hold, but officials are still not hiring more patrol officers. Officials are instead considering adding new technologies such as radar, drones and sensors.

According to CNN, the fence would blend in and “complement the natural landscape.” It seems as though they believe that a 6,400-kilometre fence will fit right in among the thousands of trees, and long stretches of prairies.

CNN also stated there would be trenches dug in order to slow down those trying to “smuggle” their goods into the United States.

You would think if someone is determined enough to attempt to sneak something over the border past hundreds of patrol officers, then the same determination will be applied to finding another way to get their smuggled goods across the border.

Several people were inteviewed during a CTV report, and most of them agreed that the fence is not the best idea. In the meantime, officials should be thinking about adding more officers along the gates that we do have.

Those interviewed said that in their opinion, the fence is to keep Canadians out of the States. If we are supposed to be neighbours, and get along, why try to segregate?

If officials are going to use a fence to separate us, and keep Canadians out of their country, then they had better build it with the trees they are tearing down.