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Young and old can enjoy Quinte’s wood carving competition

By Dylan O’Hagan [1]

BELLEVILLE – An old art form is attracting a young audience according to Serge Moison.

He`s the President of Quinte`s Wood Carving Association.

He says young and old are interested in wood carving and can enjoy the upcoming wood carving competition April 11.

http://www.qnetnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/generations-trying-to-promote.mp3 [2]

The competition is set to kickoff at 9:30 a.m. at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre.

The event draws in wood carvers of all ages from around Ontario and Quebec.

Moison says artists come from all over to show off sculptures that can take over 100 hours to complete.

http://www.qnetnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/serge-cant-miss-it.mp3 [3]

You can register sculptures as an adult or a youth this Saturday at the competition.