Cobourg police seek suspect in three break-ins
BELLEVILLE – Cobourg Police say they believe the same person is behind three recent break-ins at commercial properties.
The first incident occurred Sunday at about 6:28 p.m. at a business in the north end of Cobourg. A man used a bolt cutter to steal a trailer and two all-terrain vehicles, using a truck stolen from Durham Region to move the trailer out of the compound, police say. He then on one of the ATVs, leaving the stolen truck behind. The ATVs and the trailer have not been found.
Police describe the ATVs as a 2017 silver Can-Am Outlander 1000, with Ontario licence plate 8FA25, and a 2016 brown Can-Am LP with Ontario licence plate 9PX91.
The trailer is described as a 2017 white Atlas enclosed cargo trailer, 20 feet long, with Ontario licence plate B94 62M.
On Wednesday, between 2:15 and 5:05 a.m., someone forced their way in to two businesses in the D’Arcy Street area and caused a significant amount of damage. One of the businesses has reported property being stolen.
Cobourg Police are asking anyone with any information about the three break-ins to contact them at (905) 372-6821.